LPI Essentials & Open Technology Certifications

The Linux part of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is a legacy as LPI has begun to focus on open-source technologies in general and not just on Linux. As part of this expanded focus, LPI has introduced an Essentials suite of certifications and an Open Technology suite of certifications for non-Linux, but widely used, open source technologies.

With the backing of a highly regarded certification body such as LPI, these certifications are guaranteed to kick-start your career or enable you to advance your career in your chosen open-source technology.

Training & Certification from Essentials to Professional

Jumping Bean provides training for the following LPI certifications:

DevOps Tools Engineer

The Linux Professional Institute's (LPI) DevOps Tools Engineer certification is a globally recognized certification that validates an individual's skills in DevOps tools and technologies. The certification covers a wide range of topics that are essential for professionals who work in a DevOps environment. The certification exam tests candidates' knowledge in four major areas: Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Containers and Virtualization, and Monitoring and Logging.

Master the concepts & tools of Infrastructure as Code, CI/CD pipelines and Containers

In the IaC section, the exam covers topics such as configuration management, version control systems, and infrastructure automation tools such as Ansible, Chef, and Puppet. The CI/CD section focuses on continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment tools like Jenkins, GitLab, and Travis CI. The Containers and Virtualization section covers containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, along with virtualization concepts such as virtual machines and hypervisors. Finally, the Monitoring and Logging section covers logging and monitoring tools like Nagios, Prometheus, and ELK stack, which are essential for monitoring and troubleshooting in a DevOps environment. Overall, the LPI's DevOps Tools Engineer certification provides comprehensive coverage of essential tools and technologies required for professionals in a DevOps role.

DevOps Engineer Course Outline

701 Software Engineering

701.1 Modern Software Development (weight: 6)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand and design service based applications
  • Understand common API concepts and standards
  • Understand aspects of data storage, service status and session handling
  • Design software to be run in containers
  • Design software to be deployed to cloud services
  • Awareness of risks in the migration and integration of monolithic legacy software
  • Understand common application security risks and ways to mitigate them
  • Understand the concept of agile software development
  • Understand the concept of DevOps and its implications to software developers and operators

701.2 Standard Components and Platforms for Software (weight: 2)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Features and concepts of object storage
  • Features and concepts of relational and NoSQL databases
  • Features and concepts of message brokers and message queues
  • Features and concepts of big data services
  • Features and concepts of application runtimes / PaaS
  • Features and concepts of content delivery networks

701.3 Source Code Management (weight: 5)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand Git concepts and repository structure
  • Manage files within a Git repository
  • Manage branches and tags
  • Work with remote repositories and branches as well as submodules
  • Merge files and branches
  • Awareness of SVN and CVS, including concepts of centralized and distributed SCM solutions

701.4 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (weight: 5)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand the concepts of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
  • Understand the components of a CI/CD pipeline, including builds, unit, integration and acceptance tests, artifact management, delivery and deployment
  • Understand deployment best practices
  • Understand the architecture and features of Jenkins, including Jenkins Plugins, Jenkins API, notifications and distributed builds
  • Define and run jobs in Jenkins, including parameter handling
  • Fingerprinting, artifacts and artifact repositories
  • Understand how Jenkins models continuous delivery pipelines and implement a declarative continuous delivery pipeline in Jenkins
  • Awareness of possible authentication and authorization models
  • Understanding of the Pipeline Plugin
  • Understand the features of important Jenkins modules such as Copy Artifact Plugin, Fingerprint Plugin, Docker Pipeline, Docker Build and Publish plugin, Git Plugin, Credentials Plugin
  • Awareness of Artifactory and Nexus

702 Container Management

702.1 Container Usage (weight: 7)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand the Docker architecture
  • Use existing Docker images from a Docker registry
  • Create Dockerfiles and build images from Dockerfiles
  • Upload images to a Docker registry
  • Operate and access Docker containers
  • Connect container to Docker networks
  • Use Docker volumes for shared and persistent container storage

702.2 Container Deployment and Orchestration (weight: 5)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand the application model of Docker Compose
  • Create and run Docker Compose Files (version 3 or later)
  • Understand the architecture and functionality of Docker Swarm mode
  • Run containers in a Docker Swarm, including the definition of services, stacks and the usage of secrets
  • Understand the architecture and application model Kubernetes
  • Define and manage a container-based application for Kubernetes, including the definition of Deployments, Services, ReplicaSets and Pods

702.3 Container Infrastructure (weight: 4)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Use Docker Machine to setup a Docker host
  • Understand Docker networking concepts, including overlay networks
  • Create and manage Docker networks
  • Understand Docker storage concepts
  • Create and manage Docker volumes
  • Awareness of Flocker and flannel
  • Understand the concepts of service discovery
  • Basic feature knowledge of CoreOS Container Linux, rkt and etcd
  • Understand security risks of container virtualization and container images and how to mitigate them

703 Machine Deployment

703.1 Virtual Machine Deployment (weight: 4)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand Vagrant architecture and concepts, including storage and networking
  • Retrieve and use boxes from Atlas
  • Create and run Vagrantfiles
  • Access Vagrant virtual machines
  • Share and synchronize folder between a Vagrant virtual machine and the host system
  • Understand Vagrant provisioning, including File, Shell, Ansible and Docker
  • Understand multi-machine setup

703.2 Cloud Deployment (weight: 2)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understanding the features and concepts of cloud-init, including user-data and initializing and configuring cloud-init
  • Use cloud-init to create, resize and mount file systems, configure user accounts, including login credentials such as SSH keys and install software packages from the distribution’s repository
  • Understand the features and implications of IaaS clouds and virtualization for a computing instance, such as snapshotting, pausing, cloning and resource limits.

703.3 System Image Creation (weight: 2)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand the functionality and features of Packer
  • Create and maintain template files
  • Build images from template files using different builders

704 Configuration Management

704.1 Ansible (weight: 8)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand the principles of automated system configuration and software installation
  • Create and maintain inventory files
  • Understand how Ansible interacts with remote systems
  • Manage SSH login credentials for Ansible, including using unprivileged login accounts
  • Create, maintain and run Ansible playbooks, including tasks, handlers, conditionals, loops and registers
  • Set and use variables
  • Maintain secrets using Ansible vaults
  • Write Jinja2 templates, including using common filters, loops and conditionals
  • Understand and use Ansible roles and install Ansible roles from Ansible Galaxy
  • Understand and use important Ansible tasks, including file, copy, template, ini_file, lineinfile, patch, replace, user, group, command, shell, service, systemd, cron, apt, debconf, yum, git, and debug
  • Awareness of dynamic inventory
  • Awareness of Ansibles features for non-Linux systems
  • Awareness of Ansible containers

704.2 Other Configuration Management Tools (weight: 2)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Basic feature and architecture knowledge of Puppet.
  • Basic feature and architecture knowledge of Chef.

705 Service Operations

705.1 IT Operations and Monitoring (weight: 4)

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Understand goals of IT operations and service provisioning, including nonfunctional properties such as availability, latency, responsiveness
  • Understand and identify metrics and indicators to monitor and measure the technical functionality of a service
  • Understand and identify metrics and indicators to monitor and measure the logical functionality of a service
  • Understand the architecture of Prometheus, including Exporters, Pushgateway, Alertmanager and Grafana
  • Monitor containers and microservices using Prometheus
  • Understand the principles of IT attacks against IT infrastructure
  • Understand the principles of the most important ways to protect IT infrastructure
  • Understand core IT infrastructure components and their role in deployment

705.2 Log Management and Analysis (weight: 4)

Key Knowledge Areas:

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • Understand how application and system logging works
  • Understand the architecture and functionality of Logstash, including the lifecycle of a log message and Logstash plugins
  • Understand the architecture and functionality of Elasticsearch and Kibana in the context of log data management (Elastic Stack)
  • Configure Logstash to collect, normalize, transform and ship log data
  • Configure syslog and Filebeat to send log data to Logstash
  • Configure Logstash to send email alerts
  • Understand application support for log management
    • logstash
    • input, filter, output
    • grok filter
    • Log files, metrics
    • syslog.conf
    • /etc/logstash/logstash.yml
    • /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml

Web Development Essentials

The LPI Web Development Essentials certification and training course is an introductory course designed to teach the fundamentals of full-stack web development, with a particular emphasis on JavaScript. This comprehensive course covers both front-end and back-end web development using browser web APIs and nodeJS, enabling students to build complete web applications from start to finish. Students will learn how to use JavaScript to create dynamic user interfaces, as well as how to work with databases and server-side programming using nodeJS. The course also covers important topics such as responsive design, web security, and web accessibility. By the end of the course, students will have a strong understanding of full-stack web development and will be well-equipped to build complex web applications using JavaScript. With the LPI Web Development Essentials certification, students will have a valuable credential that demonstrates their knowledge and skills in this important area of web development.

Web Dev Essentials Course Outline

  • Software Development Basics
    • Software Development Basics
    • Web Application Architecture
    • HTTP Basics
  • HTML Document Markup
    • HTML Document Anatomy
    • HTML Semantics and Document Hierarchy
    • HTML References and Embedded Resources
    • HTML Forms 
  • CSS Content Styling
    • CSS Basics
    • CSS Selectors and Style Application
    • CSS Styling
    • CSS Box Model and Layout ​​​​​
  • JavaScript Programming
    • JavaScript Execution and Syntax
    • JavaScript Data Structures
    • JavaScript Control Structures and Functions
    • JavaScript Manipulation of Website Content and Styling
  • NodeJS Server Programming
    • NodeJS Basics
    • NodeJS Express Basics
    • SQL Basics

LPI Security Essentials Training

The Security Essentials training course is designed to provide end users and power users with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and respond to security threats. The course covers a wide range of topics related to cyber security, including security concepts, encryption, node, device and storage security, network and service security, identity and privacy.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Compliance

The course is intended to be part of a comprehensive cyber security awareness program. It provides participants with a foundational understanding of key security concepts and techniques, which they can then apply to their daily use of digital infrastructure. By the end of the course, participants should be able to identify potential security risks, understand how to protect their data, and know how to respond to security threats.

The course covers a range of topics, from the basics of IT security to more advanced topics such as encryption and network security. It also provides participants with practical guidance on how to protect their personal information and use digital infrastructure safely and securely. Overall, the Security Essentials training course is an important component of any cyber security awareness program and can help organizations to better protect themselves against cyber threats.

Security Essentials Course Outline

  • Topic 021: Security Concepts
    • 021.1 Goals, Roles and Actors

      The candidate will learn the importance of IT security. This includes an understanding of essential security goals as well as understanding various actors and roles in the field of IT security.
    • 021.2 Risk Assessment and Management

      The candidate learn how to find and interpret relevant security information. This includes understanding the risk of a vulnerability and determining the need, urgency and appropriateness for a reaction.
    • 021.3 Ethical Behavior

      The candidate will understand the technical, financial and legal implications of their behaviour when using the digital infrastructure. This includes understanding the potential harm caused by using security tools. Furthermore, the candidate should understand common principles in copyright and privacy laws.
  • Topic 022: Encryption
    • 022.1 Cryptography Public Key Infrastructure

      The candidate should understand the principle of symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Furthermore, the candidate should understand how digital certificates are used to associate cryptographic keys with individual persons and organizations.
    • 022.2 Web Encryption

      The candidate should understand the principle of HTTPS. This includes verifying the identity of existing websites and understanding common browser error messages
    • 022.3 Email Encryption

      The candidate should understand the principle of OpenGPG and S/MIME for email encryption. This includes handling one’s own and foreign OpenGPG keys and S/MIME certificates as well as sending and receiving encrypted emails.
    • 022.4 Data Storage Encryption

      The candidate should understand the principles of file encryption, storage media encryption. Furthermore, the candidate should be able to encrypt data stored on local storage devices and in the cloud.
  • Topic 023: Node, Device and Storage Security
    • 023.1 Hardware Security

      The candidate should understand security aspects of hardware. This includes understanding the various types of computer devices as well as their major components. Furthermore, the candidate should understand the security implications of various devices that interact with a computer.
    • 023.2 Application Security

      The candidate should understand the security aspects of software. This includes managing software updates, protecting software from remote access and understanding how to security install software.
    • 023.3 Malware

      The candidate should understand the principle of various types of malware. This includes an understanding of how they are installed on a device, what effects they cause and how to protect against malware.
    • 023.4 Data Availability

      The candidate should be able to ensure the availability of their data. This includes storing data in appropriate devices and services and creating backups.
  • Topic 024: Network and Service Security
    • 024.1 Networks, Network Services and the Internet

      The candidate should understand how devices are connected to a local network and which threats result from physical media access. Furthermore, candidates should be able to connect to a wireless network securely.
    • 024.2 Network and Internet Security

      The candidate should understand how devices are connected to a local network and which threats result from physical media access. Furthermore, candidates should be able to connect securely to a wireless network.
    • 024.3 Network Encryption and Anonymity

      The candidate should understand the principle of virtual private networks. This includes using a VPN provider to encrypt transmitted data. Candidates should understand the anonymity of the Internet and TOR.

  • Topic 025: Identity and Privacy
    • 025.1 Identity and Authentication

      The candidate should understand various concepts on how to prove their identity when using services on the internet. This includes using a password manager and multi-factor authentication as well as being aware of common threats against individual identities.
    • 025.2 Information Confidentiality and Secure Communication

      The candidate should be able to keep confidential information as well as communication contents secret. This includes recognizing attempts of Phishing and social engineering, as well as using secret and safe ways of communication.
    • 024.3 Network Encryption and Anonymity

      The candidate should understand the principle of virtual private networks. This includes using a VPN provider to encrypt transmitted data. Candidates should understand about the anonymity of the Internet and TOR.

Linux Essentials

The LPI Linux Essentials certification is for those not that familiar with Linux. It lays the foundation knowledge necessary for the LPIC suite of certifications.

Learn How Linux Implements the Unix Design Philosophy

The course teaches students the concepts of  Linux based operating systems from architecture and design through to basic Linux skill.  It also provide an overview of how  open source and the Linux Eco-system works.

Ideal for High School Students & Above

Linux Essentials bridges the gap for users who were coming from a background without adequate knowledge for the LPIC-1 certification. This exam is not a per-requisite for LPI C-1 but assist students to prepare for those exams. The Linux Essentials course is suitable for high school students and above.

Linux Essentials Course Outline
  • The Linux Community and a Career in Open Source
    • Linux Evolution and Popular Operating Systems
    • Major Open Source Applications
    • Open Source Software and Licensing
    • ICT Skills and Working in Linux
  • Finding Your Way on a Linux System
    • Command Line Basics
    • Using the Command Line to Get Help
    • Using Directories and Listing Files
    • Creating, Moving and Deleting Files
  • The Power of the Command Line
    • Archiving Files on the Command Line
    • Searching and Extracting Data from Files
    • Turning Commands into a Script
  • The Linux Operating System
    • Choosing an Operating System
    • Understanding Computer Hardware
    • Where Data is Stored
    • Your Computer on the Network
  • Security and File Permissions
    • Basic Security and Identifying User Types
    • Creating Users and Groups
    • Managing File Permissions and Ownership
    • Special Directories and Files

BSD Specialist

Our BSD Specialist training is for those looking to certify their BSD skills. With a reputation as a secure, reliable and rock-solid operating system the BSDs play a crucial role in any organisation's infrastructure. Learn how to set up and configure BSD with networking, storage and how to install packages, apply updates and maintain a secure operating system.

BSD System Administration

Learn how to administrate user accounts, install and update software, patch and upgrade the base operating system and configure networking.

BSD Specialist Course Outline

  • BSD Installation and Software Management
    • BSD Operating System Installation
    • BSD Software and Package Management
    • BSD System Startup Configuration
    • Hardware Configuration
    • BSD Kernel Parameters and System Security Level
  • Storage Devices and BSD Filesystems
    • BSD Partitioning and Disk Labels
    • Create File Systems and Maintain their Integrity
    • Control Mounting and Unmounting of File Systems
    • Manage File Permissions and Ownership
    • Create and Change Hard and Symbolic Links
    • Find Files and BSD Directory Layout
  • Basic BSD System Administration
    • Manage User Accounts and Groups
    • Automate System Administration Tasks by Scheduling Jobs
    • Maintain System Time
    • System Logging
    • Mail Transfer Agents (MTA) Basics
    • Manage Printing and Print Jobs
    • Manage User Sessions
  • Basic BSD Network Administration
    • Fundamentals of Internet Protocols
    • Basic network configuration
    • Basic network troubleshooting
    • Configure Client Side DNS
  • Basic Unix Skills
    • Use the Shell and Work on the Command Line
    • Perform basic file management
    • Create, Monitor and Kill Processes
    • Use Simple Regular Expressions
    • Perform basic file editing operations
    • Customize or write simple scripts

Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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